Bar Fight Ends in Painful Lesson About Body Parts and Ice
Everyone knows you shouldn’t lick a frozen pole in winter thanks to A Christmas Story, but one Alberta man learned the hard way that this advice applies to more than just your tongue.
The incident unfolded outside East Village Pub & Eatery in Fort McMurray, Alberta. After a bar argument turned into a full-blown fight, things spilled onto the ice-covered street. That’s when the trouble really began. The man’s pants slipped down in the chaos, and when he fell onto the icy pavement, his most sensitive anatomy made direct contact with the freezing ground. The result? His manhood getting stuck to the ice.
First responders were called to the scene and, after several attempts to free the unfortunate man, they managed to “unglue” him without any lasting injury. Police arrested him following the incident, though no charges were filed.
While no one knows exactly how they detached him, hopefully using warm water, and they didn’t come at him with a kettle of boiling water!
Full Story: (TMZ – Canadian Man Bar Fight)