We spoke with a guy on The Playhouse who says he can solve most people’s dating woes.
He says the key to knowing if someone is worth more than just one date – is just asking the right questions without regret. We bit. “Ok so what are the questions”.
Here they are:
“1. Have you ever given birth?
2. Why did your last relationship tank?
3. What is your biggest weakness?
4. How much credit card debt do you have?
5. How much is in your 401-K?
6. Do you own property?
7. How many people have you been with?
8. Ever been in a threesome? (or) What’s your wildest s*x adventure?
9. Ever entered a bar contest? What was it? Singing? Dancing? Something else?
10. How many shoes/purses do you own?
Too much? Well, women say they all want honesty so walk the walk, ladies.”