FARGO (KFGO) – Fargo Police Chief Dave Zibolski announced ways the public can show support for officers involved in the tragic shooting last Friday, their families, and the department as a whole.
The city has established “WeAreFargoPD” as the official slogan it wants used on anything the public displays to honor Officer Jake Wallin who was killed in the line of duty, and the other two officers who were wounded.
“We’ve always said, ‘public safety is a team sport,’” Zibolski said. “We have our police, and we have our public. And we have to work in concert, collaborate, and work together to keep Fargo safe. We have that level of cooperation. We’re always looking at expanding it and making it stronger. So, for a member of the public to be wearing a wristband that says ‘WeAreFargoPD,’… they are Fargo PD. They are the public part of Fargo PD.”
KFGO and other Midwest Communications radio stations will soon have wristbands available with the phrase.
Zibolski said the department is also sanctioning a fund where donations will be accepted, in addition to GoFundMe campaigns that the officer’s family may have set up.
Zibolski said “leadershipcarefund.com” is registered with the state as a non-profit. It was created by three Fargo Police sergeants.
“They are 501c3, registered with the state,” Zibolski said. “Now that this event has happened, they have actually taken that opportunity to take in donations for our troops, for our cops that are injured, Jake Wallin’s family, etc. It’s something we support. It’s legitimate, but we also don’t want to be in the way of any other families’ GoFundMe. These are times when there’s a lot of scam-giving donations that you’ll see, and they will try to take advantage of a horrific event.”