FARGO, N.D. (KVRR) – After years of planning and several delays, Roberts Alley’s new look is close to complete.
The project is a joint venture between the city of Fargo, Xcel Energy and the Kilbourne Group to remove the unattractive hanging power lines and utility poles from the alley. The project has taken seven years to complete.
Mike Almendinger is the President of the Kilbourne Group.
“Initially it started out with the observation we needed to do some improvements in safety of the power lines that are running through the alley and then an opportunity to update the info structure that all the buildings have along Roberts alley as well,” he said.
The infrastructure improvements cost over a million dollars.
“We had to bury all the power lines we had to find a new location for the transformers and then the complex part is we had to run secondary lines to all of the buildings as well, so it’s taken a long time to work on this,” Almendinger said.
The upgrade to Roberts alley will help bring foot traffic to the 25 businesses located along the alley.
“It’s great to see the power lines down and enjoy all the businesses that are adjacent to Roberts alley,” Almendinger said.
He said the project will help bring more customers to small businesses in the newly updated alley.