BISMARCK, N.D. (KFGO) – North Dakota officials are planning on a worst-case scenario as the number of Covid-19 cases increases rapidly.
Saturday, the State Health Department confirmed 26-new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total number of positive tests to 94. Based on models, Governor Doug Burgum says that number could be as much as 1,000 cases.
National Guard Adjutant General Alan Dohrman says the state’s 55 hospitals are examining how to expand operations to handle Covid-19 patients if there is a surge in patients. The focus is on what Dohrman calls a tier 3 plan to handle what he calls “worst case” scenario.
The hospitals now have about 2100 beds available. He says with state support an additional four-thousand beds could be added state-wide. The plan includes not only expanding the number of beds at hospitals but turning dormitories at NDSU and Bismarck State College into hospitals.
Dohrman says the Army Corps of Engineer will arrive early this week to assess the use of those buildings. He says the dormitories have the infrastructure needed, including food and maintenance services.
Dohrman also says the state is “turning over every stone” to find additional personal protective gear and ventilators so there are enough resources to handle a tier 3 level surge of patients. The state now has just over 400 ventilators for use.
The call is also out for health care professionals who are no longer working who are willing to help. They should contact their former employer or can contact the state department of emergency services.